Friday, May 2, 2008

Inaugural Rorsweat Images - 22 April 2008 22 Miler

Are they not art? Unadulterated natural art born of hard work and sweat and more sweat. These are from a 22 mile run on Sunday 27 April, 2008.

Starting with an easy one. What do you see here (besides history being made)? I'm saying snowman. I'll also try and recruit my 2 daughters to enlighten us, their yet to be polluted minds may show us insight we may otherwise overlook. Sandis, age 6, says snowman too. So does Stella, age 4.

This one is my favorite. I think it looks like a prehistoric cowboy riding a stegosaurus with too many legs. Stella sees a starfish in sand in this picture. Sandis sees a dolphin arching out of the water. Evidently I missed the whole ocean concept.

This last one is not very good. It's from my shorts which do not seem to produce the same quality Rosweat images as shirts do. I see a shopping cart in there though, with my 2 daughters standing up in the cart. Sandis saw a number one in this one, Stella saw nothing of note.

What do you see?

What is a Rorsweat Image?

Strange things enter your mind while you are out running long distances. During one such run, a 22 miler, the concept of a Rorsweat image was born. You probably know what a Rorschach inkblot image is. If you are a distance runner you've probably had a shirt get a pattern of crusty salt and sweat on it after a particularly long or hot run. Marry the two concepts and you have the Rorsweat image. While this is just a thinly veiled attempt at feeding my fascination with my sweaty and salty running shirts, I do hope you'll at least find it humorous enough to stop by here and there.

And I do believe I am the first ever to come up with such a concept. That probably says several things about me.

On to this blog. Whenever I get a good Rorsweat image on a shirt I'll take a picture and post it, maybe with some ideas on what it looks like. Maybe I'll just leave the interpretation to you in the comments section. I'm not sure where this will go.